First Floor, 9 St. George's St., Chorley PR7 2AA

01257 546413

Opening Hours Vary

Tue 10-3pm

Last Saturday of every month 10-2pm

Class Booking Terms

HOME / class booking terms




All class bookings must be paid in advance. Your place in the class cannot be guaranteed until full payment is received.




Bookings can be made either via our online booking system on the website or by calling into our Chorley studio.


Your booking will be confirmed via email once payment has been received.


Refund Policy


If you find yourself unable to attend your class and you inform us more than 7 days in advance, we can try and fill your space.


We can pop payment as a credit to book against any other class/course or you can transfer to a future workshop free of charge.


If cancellation is made within 7 days of your workshop, we are unable to offer a refund or move you to another class.


Non-attendance of classes due to illness or for personal or professional reasons does not provide the right to refunds, extra tuition or a transfer. However, in emergency situations we will consider all the circumstances and take such action that we consider to be fair and reasonable.


If you are running late for your lesson, you must inform us by phone before your lesson is due to begin. If you are more than 30 mins late for your lesson, we reserve the right to cancel your attendance. As with the nature of group classes, late arrivals will impact the progress of the rest in the class, so please aim to be on time.


We require a minimum of 3 students to be booked for any class in order to proceed with this class/event. We may choose to run a
class with less than 3 bookings, but we reserve the right to reschedule undersubscribed classes.


In the unlikely event when a class/event must be cancelled or postponed due to unavoidable circumstances or if a class is
undersubscribed, we will give you a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. You will be offered an alternative date or credit for the same amount of money or refunds your payment. We will not be liable for any other costs, wasted travel or expenses that you may incur.


If a class is postponed for reasons which we are responsible for, including tutor illness or shop closure due to other reasons out of our control, we will make every reasonable effort to reschedule the class or to add the missed hours onto the remaining course.

© 2024 |

First Floor, 9 St. George's St, Chorley Lancashire PR7 2AA

01257 546413